Title: "The Flying Penguin- Seniseda"
Painting exhibition detail: Theme: Fight for and give in Date: 18-21 Jan, 2018 Gallery: Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Everyone has a...
Video: The Living Space of Trees
This video is an assignment presentation which about design thinking for social context in Hong Kong. Can trees in harmony with people?...
Title: "The Dark Devil" and "The Bright Angel"
Painting exhibition detail: Theme: The Two-side Gemini Date: 10-13 Sept, 2015 Gallery: Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Title: "The...
Title: Supplication of the polar animals
Painting exhibition detail: Date: 20-24 Nov, 2014 Gallery: Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Title: Supplication of the polar animals -...
Title: The Phantom Of The Opera
Painting exhibition detail: Date: 12-17 Apr 2014 Gallery: L4, Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Cultural Centre Title: The Phantom Of The...